

100,000 monthly listens for the « Just as well » podcast!

The reference podcast on mental health in France.
Published on March 12, 2024

Mental health is better talked about.

Last fall, Binge Audio launched Just as well (Encore Heureux), its latest podcast focusing on well-being and mental health, hosted by journalist Camille Teste. Today, Just as well exceeds 100,000 monthly listens. The show is recorded live every month at La Gaîté Lyrique, and broadcast on all podcast platforms with one episode every two weeks.

Accompanied by psychiatrist Daniel Batoula, as well as a special guest in each episode, Camille Teste explores with candor and kindness the concrete issues that influence our daily lives and emotional balance. In a spirit of friendly discussion, the show also features listener testimonials, helping to identify common problems and provide ways of overcoming them, as well as practical exercises and cultural recommendations to enrich our journey towards well-being.

Can you really work and be happy? Can we live happily when we’re all going to die? Are we doomed to be tired all the time? Do we really need to succeed in life?

At a time when all indicators point to a deterioration in mental health among young people, Just as well prompts us all to reflect on the preconceived ideas that can be detrimental to our well-being. Passing the 100,000 monthly listener mark is a significant milestone for Just as well, and a testament to its impact on a loyal audience. The podcast has been able to reach and engage listeners with its informative, educational and heartfelt content, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to better understand and navigate the challenges of mental health.

Just as well‘s success underscores the growing importance of mental health awareness in our society. By normalizing conversations about mental health issues and offering educational and support resources, the podcast helps to break down stigmas and encourage help-seeking and treatment when needed.

Camille Teste

A journalist specializing in social justice issues, Camille Teste is also the author of the essay Politiser le bien-être (Binge Audio Éditions, 2023), which proposes hacking wellness practices to turn them into powerful tools for emancipation and political change. On Instagram, she shares on her account political reflections around the body, emotions and relations of domination, in a tone that blends humor and philosophy. In the real world, she organizes events where she explores the emancipatory dimension of yoga and mind-body practices.